Laws & Regulations

"Fed Nominee Hits Back At GOP Climate Attacks. Will It Work?"

"President Biden’s nominee to be the Federal Reserve’s top banking regulator came out swinging yesterday against Republican assertions that she’s on a mission to combat climate change by diverting dollars away from the oil and gas sector."

Source: E&E News, 02/07/2022

Calif. Board Says Oil Wastewater Is Safe for Irrigation; Experts Doubt It

"Studies in Kern County, performed by oil industry consultants, cannot answer fundamental safety questions about irrigating crops with “produced water,” the board’s own panel of experts concedes."

Source: Inside Climate News, 02/07/2022

Overwhelmed Grid Operator PJM Seeks 2-Year Pause on Solar Projects

"The nation’s largest electric grid operator, PJM Interconnection, is so clogged with requests from energy developers seeking connections to its  regional transmission network in the eastern United States that it is proposing a two-year pause on reviewing more than 1,200 energy projects, most of them solar power."

Source: Inside Climate News, 02/04/2022

"As World Drowns In Plastic Waste, U.N. To Hammer Out Global Treaty"

"After years of largely neglecting the buildup of plastic waste in Earth’s environment, the U.N. Environment Assembly will meet in February and March in the hopes of drafting the first international treaty controlling global plastics pollution."

Source: Mongabay, 02/04/2022


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