
January 15, 2025

DEADLINE: RTDNF Fellowships and Scholarships

This Radio Television Digital News Foundation offers scholarships for outstanding students and fellowships for young professionals (<10 years experience in the field) pursuing careers in radio, television, or online news. Two fellowships are given to promising minority applicants. Deadline: Jan 15, 2025.


"Fears of Gene Pollution Emerge In Tijuana River"

"It’s the kind of scenario that might evolve in Hollywood: A college professor detects drug-resistance genes collecting in local wetlands, where they survive for weeks and are spread far and wide by seabirds.

But the discovery of extra-hardy DNA flourishing on the edge of San Diego isn’t science fiction. It’s the result of research by David Cummings, a microbiologist at Point Loma Nazarene University.

Source: San Diego Union-Tribune, 05/08/2012

Denver Post Exposes FDA Secrecy on Food Threats to Public Health

Reporter Michael Booth's story resurrected the old issue of whether the public has a right to know the identity and source of foods in commerce that government agencies actually know may be causing fatal illness. The FDA refused to comment on the story.

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"Plan to Let Poultry Plants Inspect Birds Is Criticized"

"WASHINGTON — Federal food safety inspectors said a proposal by the Agriculture Department to expand a pilot program that allows private companies to take over the inspections at poultry plants could pose a health risk by allowing contaminated meat to reach customers.""Currently, the Agriculture Department’s Food Safety and Inspection Service inspectors are stationed along the assembly lines in poultry plants and examine the birds for blemishes, feces or visible defects before they are processed."

Source: NY Times, 04/06/2012

Are Data Behind Companies' Greenhouse Gas Emissions Trade Secrets?

EPA's upcoming rulings on confidentiality for data going into the companies' GHG calculations will be important. Those determinations may impact whether companies' reporting is accurate — and whether they can ever be held accountable for their emissions.

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