
#SEJSpotlight: Zoya Teirstein, Climate Reporter, Grist

Meet SEJ member Zoya Teirstein! Zoya is a staff writer for Grist covering the intersection of public health and climate change, and the politics of climate change. Zoya's reporting can also be found in Wired, Slate, HuffPost, Mother Jones, Rolling Stone and other outlets.

September 26, 2023

AMA With Scientists From the Food Packaging Forum

The experts of the Switzerland-based Food Packaging Forum’s Scientific Advisory Board will be available to answer questions about how chemicals in food packaging affect human health, sustainable packaging, green chemistry, plastic and chemical pollution, microplastics, endocrine disruption, and more, 11:30 a.m. EST, on Reddit.


Toolbox on Nature-Based Solutions and Native/Indigenous Perspectives

As concerns over global warming, the endangerment of plant and animal species, and water rights escalate, many environmentalists are turning to Indigenous people for guidance. As part of a Society of Environmental Journalists special initiative focused on covering climate solutions, we take a closer look at nature-based solutions and Indigenous people with reporter Brian Bull. Check out a resource toolbox and stay tuned for a reporting tipsheet in coming weeks. Plus, be sure to register for a Sept. 28 webinar on covering Indigenous communities and nature-based climate solutions.

SEJ Publication Types: 

EPA-Mandated Regional Haze Plans Open Horizons on Local, State Stories

A Biden administration move to force states to submit cleanup plans for regional haze offers opportunities to report air pollution news in your area, writes the latest TipSheet. The Clean Air Act regulatory program, focused on parks and wilderness areas, is not just about the scenery, but human health too. The backstory and the list of states, plus reporting resources and story ideas.

SEJ Publication Types: 
Topics on the Beat: 

Fill Your Plate With Chicken Stories

Chicken production in the United States is a colossal industry controlled by a few vertically integrated companies. On a much smaller scale, it’s also heritage breeds and increasingly popular backyard flocks. As the latest avian flu outbreak makes headlines, journalist Christine Heinrichs looks at environmental reporting opportunities related to poultry pathogens, pollution and more.

SEJ Publication Types: 
September 21, 2022

Ocean Encounters: Heatwaves! Extreme Heat on Land — and in the Ocean

Join the Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution for the next installment in its virtual Ocean Encounters series. Speakers will discuss the links between the atmosphere and ocean, why heat waves are on the rise and what it means for our ocean planet. 7:30-8:30 p.m. ET.

October 7, 2022

Virtual Workshop on the Human Cost of Climate Change

Climate change impacts have begun to promote large-scale human migration to more hospitable areas, a trend set to accelerate. The University of Michigan's Graham Sustainability Institute presents a workshop with interdisciplinary scholars and practitioners who'll share knowledge and discuss the issues. 9:00 a.m. - Noon ET.

October 23, 2023 to October 26, 2023

Science Journalism Forum

The fourth annual SJF is a virtual global event where science journalists, writers, publishers, scientists, students and academia can share new ideas and thoughts in science journalism — and pitch story ideas to the world’s top editors. SEJ members get 50% off tickets. Attendance fellowships available.


New Environmental Justice Index Helps ID Vulnerable Communities

Biden administration efforts to measure its response to environmental injustice have spurred the launch of a place-based database that scores individual communities on the issue. The latest Reporter’s Toolbox reviews the new government index and suggests that despite weaknesses, it is still useful as part of a suite of similar tools. Learn more about how to effectively use the new database.

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