
Grand Forks Residents Prep For Winter In Sheds, RVs After Flooding

"Six months after flood waters swept through this small B.C. city, at least 28 downtown businesses are still closed. Many locals and forestry experts are blaming rampant clearcutting for reducing nature's ability to protect residents from the hell of high waters, but the province insists all is well in the forests of southern British Columbia".

Source: The Narwhal, 11/27/2018

Bear Stories Should Go Beyond Bare Facts

Bears, particularly the plentiful black bears that are the source of much human-bear conflict, can serve as a opening to larger environmental stories, such as habitat destruction and the challenges of the “wildland-urban interface.” This week’s TipSheet has some of the good news/bad news on bears, with story ideas and resources for your reporting.

SEJ Publication Types: 

"Forest Service Chief Vows To Rid Agency Of Sexual Harassment"

"Amid scrutiny stemming from fresh revelations of rampant discrimination, bullying, retaliation and sexual misconduct at the U.S. Forest Service, the agency’s new chief pledged Thursday that she will “do everything in my power to put us on a path to no harassment.”"

Source: AP, 11/16/2018

"Part of the Answer to Climate Change May Be America’s Trees and Dirt"

"When people think of potential solutions to global warming, they tend to visualize technologies like solar panels or electric cars. A new study published on Wednesday, however, found that better management of forests, grasslands and soils in the United States could offset as much as 21 percent of the country’s annual greenhouse gas emissions."

Source: NY Times, 11/15/2018


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