"In A Warming World, Hunger Stalks Guatemala's Mayan Highlands"
"Crop failures are one reason an unprecedented number of migrants are heading to the U.S. border."
"Crop failures are one reason an unprecedented number of migrants are heading to the U.S. border."
"In war-torn Yemen, malnourished children are struggling to survive as temperatures rise".
"Climate change is making it harder to grow hops, a key ingredient in beer".
"It is a long-running concern of government watchdogs: Some of the experts responsible for helping to craft the U.S. dietary guidelines also take money from big food and drug companies."
"EPA says too many pesticide formulas exist to check all for the safety of ingredients that could harm humans, plants and wildlife".
"Skeena River sockeye have declined 75% since 1913. Woodland caribou have declined by more than half in the past century. But with the right resources, First Nations are bringing ancestral foods back from the brink".
"The thunder of icebergs crashing into the turquoise sea of eastern Greenland is the sound of one of the planet's most important ecosystems teetering on the edge of collapse."
"A new World Health Organization analysis suggests cholera is surging worldwide, with the number of cholera cases doubling from 2021 to 2022."
"Registered dietitians are being paid to post videos that promote diet soda, sugar and supplements on Instagram and TikTok".