Fish & Fisheries

Japan Fishers Oppose 'Catastrophic' Release Of Fukushima Water To Ocean

"Japanese fish industry representatives on Thursday urged the government not to allow the release at sea of tonnes of contaminated water from the Fukushima nuclear plant, saying it would undo years of work to restore their reputation."

Source: Reuters, 10/08/2020

"$215M in BP Oil Spill Money To Restore Louisiana Marshes"

"Louisiana will get nearly $215 million in BP oil spill money for two projects planned to restore more than 4,600 acres of marsh and other habitat in the New Orleans area, Gov. John Bel Edwards said."

Source: AP, 10/01/2020

Why Reporters Should Catch the Watershed by the Tale

Drainage basin may not be the sexiest of ecosystem designations, but watersheds have essential stories to tell. And environment reporters would be wise to view them as regional beats all their own, argues a long-time watershed reporter, who explains why and offers a series of tips to help journalists get the best of the basin beat.

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Pebble Exec Resigns After Being Caught On Tape Boasting Of His GOP Ties

"Mining executive Tom Collier, who boasted in secretly taped conversations that he had leveraged his ties to Republican officials to advance a controversial project in Alaska, resigned Wednesday."

Source: Washington Post, 09/24/2020


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