Environmental Politics

"US Accused Of Obstructing Talks At UN Climate Change Summit"

"The United States and other high carbon dioxide-emitting developed countries are deliberately frustrating the UN climate summit in Katowice, Poland, Vanuatu’s foreign minister has said. His warning came as Pacific and Indian ocean states warned they faced annihilation if a global climate “rule book” could not [be] brokered."

Source: Guardian, 12/12/2018

Farm Bill Sails Through Senate. Now It’s Up To Wavering House GOPers

"Rural Republicans in the U.S. House now face a stark political choice: Either saying no to a bill farmers in their districts desperately need or saying yes and surrendering in their battle to crack down on the federal food stamp program."

Source: McClatchy, 12/12/2018

"Clean Water Act: EPA Falsely Claims 'No Data' On Waters In WOTUS Rule"

"The Trump administration says it doesn't know how many streams it is proposing to exclude from Clean Water Act jurisdiction today. But a 2017 slideshow prepared by EPA and Army Corps of Engineers staff shows that at least 18 percent of streams and 51 percent of wetlands nationwide would not be protected under the new definition of "waters of the United States," or WOTUS, announced today."

Source: Greenwire, 12/12/2018

Interior Downplayed Wildlife Experts' Concerns About Trump’s Border Wall

"Federal government scientists raised red flags last year about President Trump’s proposed wall for the U.S.-Mexico border, suggesting that it could harm the habitats of imperiled species living in the ecologically diverse region. Constructing a physical barrier in southern Texas, some said, should be avoided if possible."

Source: Washington Post, 12/11/2018

"U.S. Lawmakers Agree On Farm Bill, Aiming For Vote This Week"

"U.S. lawmakers have reached an agreement on the Farm Bill that drops a proposal to tighten food stamps restrictions backed by President Donald Trump, and are looking to vote on it this week, according to congressional staffers."

Source: Reuters, 12/11/2018


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