Environmental Politics

New E.P.A. Lead Standards Would Slow Replacement of Dangerous Pipes

"The Trump administration on Thursday proposed new regulations on lead and copper in drinking water, updating a nearly 30-year-old rule that may have contributed to the lead-tainted water crisis in Flint, Mich., that began in 2015."

Source: NY Times, 10/11/2019

Warren Puts Communities Of Color At Heart Of Environmental Justice Plan

"Presidential candidate Elizabeth Warren is taking on climate justice in her newest campaign proposal. On Wednesday, the 2020 hopeful released a plan to combat climate change by centering the experiences of people of color."

Source: Essence, 10/10/2019

Biden Has a Climate Change Record and a Plan. Young Activists Want More

"When Michaelyn Mankel approached Joseph R. Biden Jr. at an Iowa steak fry last month to demand dramatic action on climate change, the former vice president clasped the 24-year-old’s hands and assured her, “You’ve got a better deal from me than anybody.”"

Source: NY Times, 10/09/2019


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