Environmental Politics

"After Avoiding Safety Upgrades, PG&E Hired Lobbyists and PR Instead"

"Power shutoffs affecting more than 1 million residents, scheduled by PG&E this week throughout the San Francisco Bay Area and Northern California, have sparked a massive backlash, with many community members telling reporters that they are shocked that the company has not done more to upgrade its transmission lines."

Source: The Intercept, 10/14/2019

Commerce Staff Drafted Rebuke of NWS For Contradicting Trump On Dorian

"Commerce Department officials were responsible for drafting a statement that rebuked National Weather Service staff after they sent a tweet countering President Trump’s statements about Hurricane Dorian, according to a letter sent by the House Science committee Thursday."

Source: The Hill, 10/11/2019

"House Democrats Subpoena Rick Perry In Impeachment Inquiry"

"House Democrats on Thursday subpoenaed Energy Secretary Rick Perry for documentation of his involvement with President Trump's efforts to push the Ukrainian government to investigate former Vice President Joe Biden.
Perry is the latest Trump administration official to be issued a subpoena as part of House Democrats' impeachment inquiry, which is examining the president's efforts to persuade the Ukrainian government to investigate Biden, a leading Democratic presidential contender.

Source: The Hill, 10/11/2019

"Rich Counties Get More Help to Escape Climate Risk, New Data Show"

"Federal programs to help Americans move away from disaster-prone areas are skewed by the income levels of communities seeking help — rather than being based solely on the risk they face — new data shows, blunting an important tool for helping people cope with climate change."

Source: NY Times, 10/11/2019

"Border Wall Construction In Arizona Bulldozes Cactus Columns"

"President Trump's border wall is going up between Arizona and Mexico, and it's generating controversy because of its proximity to the Organ Pipe Cactus National Monument and Native Americans lands."https://www.npr.org/2019/10/11/769193107/border-wall-construction-in-arizona-bulldozes-cactus-columns

Source: NPR, 10/11/2019

Senate Democrat Raises Scrutiny Of Russian Investment In Kentucky Mill

"A top Senate Democrat is asking the owner of a controversial Kentucky aluminum mill to provide more details about a Russian oligarch’s investment in the project, including whether the partnership could provide the Russian company with access to sensitive information."

Source: McClatchy, 10/11/2019


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