Feuds Flare Along Trump’s Border Wall Amid Final Construction Push
"President Trump’s quest to build as much of his border wall as possible before leaving office is newly angering landowners and authorities in the American southwest."
"President Trump’s quest to build as much of his border wall as possible before leaving office is newly angering landowners and authorities in the American southwest."
"President-elect Joseph R. Biden Jr.’s environment and energy team — facing a narrowly divided Congress and a hostile Republican leadership — will need creativity and perseverance if Mr. Biden is to follow through on his ambitious promises to address climate change."
"The Bureau of Land Management announced on Thursday that the administration plans to hold an oil leasing sale for the refuge on Jan. 6."
"EPA has greenlit a flood project halted by the Bush administration, saying the new version of the Yazoo Backwater Pumps would not be covered by its 2008 veto of the project."
"President-elect Joe Biden's short list of candidates to serve as his domestic climate adviser is beginning to narrow, with three names coming up the most, according to multiple sources."
"United Nations Secretary-General Antonio Guterres warned on Wednesday that humanity is waging a suicidal war on nature and that there is no way to address the climate emergency without global leadership from the United States."
"Two nominees to the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) were confirmed to the panel by voice votes on Monday."
"Wall is going up in four sections in Arizona’s mountain ranges spanning the US-Mexico border where the cats had reappeared".
"Earlier this month, the Canada-Newfoundland and Labrador Offshore Petroleum Board accepted a bid from oil company BP to explore for oil and gas in an area that includes part of Atlantic Canada’s largest marine conservation area."
"Solvay had previously withheld information about the PFAS chemicals on the grounds that it was “confidential business information.”"