Environmental Politics

"Report Highlights Obama's Broken Environmental Promises"

"Barack Obama has been just as zealous as George Bush in stripping away environmental, health and safety protection at the behest of industry, it turns out. Some environmental organisations were beginning to suspect this, after Obama over-ruled his scientific advisors and blocked stronger ozone standards. Now, a new report from the Centre for Progressive Reform has dug up some key data revealing that the White House in the age of Obama has been just as receptive to the pleadings of industry lobbyists as it was in the Bush era. And it goes far beyond ozone."

Source: Guardian, 11/29/2011

"Clean Air: Companies Give GOP, Regulators, Different Messages"

"Large and small companies have told Republican-led congressional committees what the party wants to hear: dire predictions of plant closings and layoffs if the Obama administration succeeds with plans to further curb air and water pollution. But their message to financial regulators and investors conveys less gloom and certainty."

Source: AP, 11/28/2011

1,000+ Tonnes of Asbestos Removed From Canadian Parliament Buildings

"While the Canadian government continues to block the inclusion of chrysotile asbestos from a UN agreement on hazardous materials, millions of dollars are being spent to remove the controversial substance from the Parliamentary Buildings and since Aug. 31, a combined total of more than 1,000 metric tonnes of asbestos have been removed from the West Block and Wellington Building, says Public Works."

Source: Hill Times, 11/28/2011
December 9, 2011

EPA and the Economy: Seeing Green?

In this Environmental Law Institute seminar in Washington, DC  (and via teleconference), expert panelists will discuss the economic ramifications of EPA’s regulations, whether regulations create or kill jobs, and recent legislative attempts — such as the REINS Act, the Regulatory Accountability Act of 2011, and the use of the Congressional Review Act — to increase Congressional oversight and restrain EPA action.

December 1, 2011

Federal Climate Change Adaptation: Current Efforts, Political Debates, and Future Potential

The Environmental Law Institute invites you to join University of North Carolina Chapel Hill School of Law professor Victor B. Flatt in Washington, DC (or via teleconference) for a review of what has happened so far in climate change adaptation at the federal level, what legal authority exists for further adaptation policy, and the current political debate surrounding the issue which could affect federal policy making.



"Here we go again. Once more on the eve of a major United Nations negotiating session on climate change, an anonymous commenter has posted thousands of emails between scientists online. Climate change critics have already latched onto the emails as "Climategate 2.0." Much like the first iteration of the manufactured controversy, the commenter released the emails with a selection of short, out-of-context quotes designed to make scientists look nefarious."

Source: Mother Jones, 11/23/2011

"China Bends To U.S. Complaint on Solar Panels But Plans Retaliation"

"HONG KONG — Chinese solar panel makers plan to shift some of their production to South Korea, Taiwan and the United States in hopes of defusing a trade case pending against them in Washington, according to industry executives. But at the same time, the Chinese industry is considering retaliating by filing a trade case of its own with China’s Commerce Ministry."


Source: NY Times, 11/22/2011

"Obama Gets Another Energy Headache as Agency Delays Drilling Vote"

"The Obama administration controls the tie-breaking vote on a plan to begin drilling for natural gas in the Northeast, shining a spotlight on its efforts to find a middle ground on the use of hydraulic fracturing to tap deep shale rock formations for energy.

Source: Greenwire, 11/22/2011


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