Environmental Politics

Wildfire DisInformation Becomes a State Weapon, Aided by AI

How did the Lahaina wildfire spark an AI-driven influence campaign out of China? Perhaps a technological leap. Or perhaps, the new WatchDog Opinion column suggests, a natural evolution of a decades-old disinformation playbook with roots in a war against science and culminating in climate denial. A look at the disturbing prospects and a plea for journalists not to sidestep the phenomenon but to cover it.

SEJ Publication Types: 

"Fat Bear Week 2023 Is Upon Us. Here’s What You Need To Know."

"It’s the most wonderful time of the year — Fat Bear Week 2023 is here. The annual competition, hosted by the Katmai National Park and Preserve, pits brown bears against each other in a virtual bracket as they stock up for hibernation."

Source: Philadelphia Inquirer, 10/03/2023

Enviros Demand Emergency Rules To Protect Rare Whales From Ship Collisions

"A coalition of environmental groups is calling on the federal government to enact emergency rules to protect a vanishing species of whale from lethal collisions with large ships. The groups filed their petition with the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration on Sept. 28 in an effort to protect the North Atlantic right whale."

Source: AP, 10/03/2023

UAE's Jaber Says Oil, Industrial Firms To Commit To Decarbonization At COP28

"More than 20 firms across the oil and gas sector and heavy industry have agreed to commit to curb emissions at the UN's COP28 climate summit, with more expected to join the group before the conference, its president said on Monday."

Source: Reuters, 10/03/2023

Onondaga Nation Take Centuries-Old Land Rights Case To International Panel

"The Onondaga Nation has protested for centuries that illegal land grabs shrank its territory from what was once thousands of square miles in upstate New York to a relatively paltry patch of land south of Syracuse. ... So now the nation is presenting its case to an international panel."

Source: AP, 10/02/2023

Unique Podcast Team Gives Voice to Troubled Communities Near Declining Salton Sea

In the Coachella Valley east of Los Angeles, the massive Salton Sea is rapidly drying up, threatening vulnerable immigrant communities in a growing toxic environment. The Living Downstream podcast reported extensively on these hazards, winning third place in the Society of Environmental Journalists’ Awards for Reporting on the Environment’s explanatory reporting, small, category, in 2022. Inside Story spoke with one of the prizewinners.

SEJ Publication Types: 

"Republicans Fight Over Who Loves Fossil Fuels The Most At Second GOP Debate"

"After dodging surprisingly pointed questions about climate change at the first debate Fox News hosted last month, the contenders hoping to take on President Joe Biden next November battled each other over who would do most to ramp up production of the fossil fuels destabilizing the planet’s weather systems."

Source: HuffPost, 09/29/2023


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