Environmental Health

"Chemical Weapons Watchdog Wins Nobel Peace Prize"

"LONDON -- Urging the destruction of 'an entire category' of unconventional weapons, the Norwegian Nobel Committee awarded its 2013 Peace Prize on Friday to a relatively modest and little-known United Nations-backed body that has drawn sudden attention with a mission to destroy Syria’s stocks of chemical arms under a deal brokered by Russia and the United States."

Source: NY Times, 10/11/2013

"Treaty Curbing Mercury Emissions Becomes International Law"

"KUMAMOTO, Japan -- Japan, where residents of Minamata suffered lethal mercury poisoning in the mid-1950s, today became one of the first countries to sign a new international treaty to reduce mercury emissions and to phase out many products containing the toxic metal."

Source: ENS, 10/11/2013

E-Cigarette Makers Lobby Hard To Shape Rules for Fast-Growing Industry

"The giants of the tobacco industry know what it’s like to face heavy government regulation. So as the makers of Marlboro, Newport and Camel enter the booming market for electronic cigarettes, they are pressing to keep their new products free of such strict oversight."

Source: Wash Post, 10/08/2013

Residents Want Answers from Wisc. Officicals on Frac Sand Plants

"NEW AUBURN, Wisc. --  Frances Sayles is cleaning her counters and vacuuming her home more often in an attempt to keep a never-ending stream of sand at bay. But it is not just the cleaning that concerns her. She also worries about her health."

November 7, 2013 to November 8, 2013

Workshop on Identifying and Reducing Environmental Health Risks of Chemicals in Our Society

The IOM's Roundtable on Environmental Health Sciences, Research, and Medicine will host a free workshop (in Washington, DC and live webcast) on Identifying and Reducing Environmental Health Risks of Chemicals in Our Society. Industrial chemicals include chemicals used in industrial processes or commercial products, not including those found in food, pesticides, or pharmaceuticals. Registration required.

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