Environmental Health

Tilling the Storytelling Fields on the Food, Ag and Environment Beat

In his more than a decade at the helm of the Food & Environment Reporting Network, Samuel Fromartz was instrumental in shaping a new way of covering food, agriculture and environmental issues. As he prepares to turn over the top editor’s job to his successor, Fromartz talks about FERN’s innovative business model and the power of narrative.

SEJ Publication Types: 

"Unusually Early Heat Wave In Pacific Northwest Tests Records"

"An early heat wave took hold Saturday in parts of the Pacific Northwest, with temperatures nearing or breaking records in some areas and heat advisories in place through Monday. The historically temperate region has grappled with scorching summer temperatures and unprecedented wildfires fueled by climate change in recent years."

Source: AP, 05/15/2023

"Veterans on Borrowed Time Fume Over Delays on Toxic Water Claims"

"Nearly nine months after the government pledged to start compensating thousands of veterans sickened by toxic waters at Camp Lejeune, not a single claim has been settled, and the Navy says it needs to first launch an online portal to better manage the claims."

Source: Bloomberg Environment, 05/12/2023

EPA Proposes First Limits on Climate Pollution From Existing Power Plants

"The Biden administration on Thursday announced the first regulations to limit greenhouse pollution from existing power plants, capping an unparalleled string of climate policies that, taken together, could substantially reduce the nation’s contribution to global warming."

Source: NYTimes, 05/12/2023
May 15, 2023

DEADLINE: Altavoz/EHS Environmental Fellowship

Altavoz Lab and Environmental Health Sciences invite applications by May 15 from early-career bilingual journalists eager to report on environmental health, environmental justice and petrochemical industry impacts on communities in Texas, specifically near the Gulf Coast. $3,000 stipend and mentoring.


"Florida Lawmakers Want To Use Radioactive Material To Pave Roads"

"Roads in Florida could soon include phosphogypsum — a radioactive waste material from the fertilizer industry — under a bill lawmakers have sent to Gov. Ron DeSantis."

Source: NPR, 05/11/2023


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