"Natural Gas Prices Fall 29 Percent in 3 Months"
"The price of natural gas has fallen in recent months due to mild winter weather."
"The price of natural gas has fallen in recent months due to mild winter weather."
"After analyzing 24 scientific studies, the Natural Resources Defense Council finds plenty to worry about, from birth defects to deadly effects."
"Some 114 groups are pressing Energy Secretary Ernest Moniz to reject proposals to increase liquefied natural gas (LNG) exports."
"Federal land managers will release proposed rules next month to change the pricing structure for oil, natural gas and coal leases on public land."
"The electric power generation sector lost more than 5,800 jobs over the last three years, according to an Energy Department stat shop. The losses hit all energy sources across electric power except for renewables, the Energy Information Administration said on Friday."
"SAN ANTONIO - Gas flares in the Eagle Ford Shale burned more than 20 billion cubic feet of natural gas and released tons of pollutants into the air in the first seven months of 2014 - exceeding the total waste and pollution for the entire year of 2012."
"President says pipeline’s extension from Canada to Nebraska would do little to reduce American energy prices, and generate only a limited number of US jobs"
"The Environmental Protection Agency on Friday announced the first federal guidelines for disposing of coal ash, instructing power plants to implement safeguards against contaminating nearby water supplies."
"A longtime energy aide to Maryland Gov. Martin O'Malley (D) who spearheaded the state's climate change initiatives will become the new director of the Bureau of Ocean Energy Management, the agency that oversees oil and gas and renewable energy development on roughly 1.7 billion acres of federal waters."
"British Trust for Ornithology finds 99% of birds avoid wind turbines, easing fears over the impact of blades but cation still needed."