"Here’s How Much Faster Wind And Solar Are Growing Than Fossil Fuels"

"There’s been a lot of positive news about clean energy lately. For instance, we’ve reported that from 2008 to the present, wind and solar energy capacity in the United States has tripled.

Now, a new report from the U.S. Energy Information Administration makes a similar point. It finds that the electricity generated from wind and solar grew a lot faster than electricity generated by fossil fuels last year. In fact, solar more than doubled, and wind outgrew all other sources.

'I think the story that renewable generation is up from wind and solar and other sources is certainly the story to tell,' said Emily Williams, deputy director of industry data and analysis at the American Wind Energy Association, which heralded the report.

Here’s the bad news, though: Wind and solar are still only contributing a small fraction of the total electricity that we use, and far, far less than coal. They may be growing faster, but they’re very far behind."

Chris Mooney reports for the Washingon Post March 9, 2015.


"U.S. Solar Jumps 30% as Residential Installs Exceed 1 Gigawatt" (Bloomberg)

"Conservative Groups Battle Over Solar In Florida" (Huffington Post)

"Consumers Trapped in the Middle of Big Coal's Fight for Survival" (EnergyWire)

Source: Wash Post, 03/11/2015