
"US Treasury Drops Plan to Collect Insurer Data on Climate Risks"

"The US government is stepping away from its effort to collect data on home insurance prices and availability at the Zip code level as premiums soar and climate risks to property intensify. Instead, it will join in a collaborative effort with state insurance regulators."

Source: Bloomberg, 03/11/2024

"As Flooding Increases on the Mississippi, Forests Are Drowning"

"Ever-worsening floods are killing trees at an increasing rate along the upper Mississippi River, and invasive grasses are taking over. The Army Corps of Engineers has launched a project to restore forest and boost tree diversity, and to improve habitat for fish and birds, too."

Source: YaleE360, 03/08/2024

Secrecy Around Gas Export Terminals Leaves Public In The Dark On Dangers

"During a summer’s afternoon in 2022, a 450-foot fireball exploded at a liquefied natural gas terminal south of Houston, rocking sunbathers on Quintana Beach, adjacent to the Freeport LNG terminal, and rattling homes for miles around. Eighteen months later, residents around the plant have yet to receive any information directly from Freeport LNG about what caused the explosion, or what to do if it were to happen again ... ."

Source: Floodlight, 03/08/2024

Record Heat, Rising Sea Levels: High Stakes For Climate In 2024 Elections

"From Biden vs. Trump to an oil well referendum in California, climate change debate is all over the ballot in federal, state and local contests." "In the wake of the hottest year on record, with fossil fuel production increasing and sea levels rising, the stakes for the climate couldn’t be higher in this year’s elections."

Source: Yale Climate Connections, 03/07/2024

Oil Spill And Fertilizer Leak From Sunken Cargo Ship Threaten Red Sea

"A vibrant fishing industry, some of the world’s largest coral reefs, desalination plants supplying millions with drinking water. They’re all at risk from large amounts of fertilizer and oil spilled into the Red Sea by the sinking of a cargo ship attacked by Yemen’s Houthi rebels."

Source: AP, 03/04/2024

"Climate Change Is Raising Texas’ Already High Wildfire Risks"

"Climate change is increasing the risk of wildfires in Texas, a danger made real this week as the Smokehouse Creek fire, the largest in state history, burns out of control across the Panhandle region. And that growing fire risk is beginning to affect the insurance market in Texas, raising premiums for homeowners and causing some insurers to withdraw from parts of the state."

Source: NYTimes, 03/04/2024


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