Climate Change

Asthma Data — A Starting Point for Key Environment-Health Stories

Whether marginalized communities suffering from asthma or cities cloaked in smoke from far-away wildfires, journalists looking to connect public health and environmental concerns around air pollution will find much of the data they need via the Centers for Disease Control’s asthma surveillance data. The latest Reporter’s Toolbox outlines the source and smart ways to use it.

SEJ Publication Types: 

Governments Meet To Talk About Amazon Rainforest. Why Is It So Important?

"The Amazon rainforest is a massive area, twice the size of India and sprawling across eight countries and one territory. It’s a crucial carbon sink for the climate, has about 20% of the world’s freshwater reserves and boasts astounding biodiversity, including 16,000 known tree species."

Source: AP, 08/07/2023

"‘Death Star’ Law Will End Water Breaks For Texas Workers"

"Water breaks will no longer be guaranteed for construction workers in Austin and Dallas when a new state law that prevents municipalities from regulating everything from evictions to payday loans takes effect next month."

Source: E&E News, 08/07/2023

"There’s A Crisis Unfolding In Florida's Waters. DeSantis Hasn’t Said A Word."

"The GOP governor and presidential candidate has touted his environmental and economic credentials. He’s ignoring an environmental and economic disaster at home."

Source: HuffPost, 08/07/2023

Big Waves Becoming More Common Off California As Earth Warms: New Research

"Waves are getting bigger and surf at least 13 feet (about 4 meters) tall is becoming more common off California’s coast as the planet warms, according to innovative new research that tracked the increasing height from historical data gathered over the past 90 years."

Source: AP, 08/04/2023

The Far Right Has a ‘Battle Plan’ to Undo Climate Progress If Trump Wins

"Far-right conservative groups are promoting a sprawling “battle plan” to obstruct and undo the federal government’s efforts to tackle the climate crisis, with hopes of quickly enacting a series of sweeping changes if Donald Trump, or any other Republican, gets elected as president next year."

Source: Inside Climate News, 08/04/2023


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