
Things related to the web of life; ecology; wildlife; endangered species

"Ahead of Major Court Case, E.P.A. Revises Clean-Water Protections"

"A new rule revives an older set of protections for rivers, marshes and waterways, setting aside changes in the Obama and Trump administrations that led to years of legal wrangling." "The Biden administration is working to complete a clean water regulation before a Supreme Court ruling that could complicate the government’s ability to protect wetlands and other waters."

Source: NYTimes, 01/02/2023

"Alaska Native Group Protects Land Coveted By Pebble Mine Developers"

"An Alaska Native group on Thursday will announce that more than 44,000 acres of land near Bristol Bay, the site of the world’s largest wild salmon fishery, are off limits to future development, according to details shared exclusively with The Climate 202."

Source: Washington Post, 12/23/2022

"High Number Of Mosquitoes Found With Mutation That Resists Insecticides"

"The insecticides that target disease-spreading mosquitoes are running into nature’s ultimate defense mechanism: evolution. Scientists reported Wednesday that mosquitoes in Cambodia and Vietnam increasingly carry a mutation that makes them resistant to a commonly deployed insecticide."

Source: Washington Post, 12/22/2022

Op-Ed: "New Hope for Horseshoe Crabs — and the Shorebirds That Depend on Them"

"A globetrotting bird, a crab that’s not a crab, a marine snail and a fish whose reproduction is so mysterious it fascinated Freud — they all walk into a sandbar. Unbeknownst to them, their future — no joke — hung in the balance of a decision made this November by the Atlantic States Marine Fisheries Commission."

Source: The Revelator, 12/21/2022

Great Bear Lake in NW Territories To Become Indigenous Protected Area

"The Sahtu ́K’aowe Indigenous Protected and Conserved Area is set to move ahead and conserve the world’s eighth largest lake, after an announcement at COP15 biodiversity conference".

Source: The Narwhal, 12/21/2022

To Protect Lobstermen, Spending Bill May Speed Whales’ Extinction: Enviros

"Lawmakers from Maine have inserted a provision in a massive government funding bill to buffer lobstermen from new regulations, but environmental groups warn it could push the critically endangered North Atlantic right whales to the brink of extinction."

Source: Washington Post, 12/21/2022

Corps Grants Louisiana Permits To Build $2.5 Billion Sediment Diversion

"Louisiana's proposed $2.5 billion Mid-Barataria Sediment Diversion, designed to reconnect the Mississippi River with the Barataria Basin to create as much as 21 square miles of wetlands by 2070, was awarded key permits by the Army Corps of Engineers on Monday that could allow construction to begin in March 2023."

Source: New Orleans Times-Picayune, 12/20/2022


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