
"Citing Birds And Bees, Groups Petition EPA To Close Pesticide Loophole"

"The US should overhaul regulation of a class of insecticides tied to excessive honey bee and bird deaths, according to a citizen petition filed Wednesday with the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) by a coalition of more than 60 nonprofit groups."

Source: The New Lede, 02/23/2023

"US Pledges Amazon Fund Donation, Renewing Hope For The Rainforest"

"The U.S. has pledged to work with Brazil to strengthen the protection of the Amazon, including offering “initial support” to the recently revived Amazon Fund. Reports claim the U.S. will initially donate $50 million toward the fund, inciting disappointment among some experts who claim billions, not millions, are required to eliminate deforestation."

Source: Mongabay, 02/15/2023

Earth Has Lost 1/5 Of Wetlands Since 1700; Most Could Still Be Saved

"Like so many of the planet's natural habitats, wetlands have been systematically destroyed over the past 300 years. Bogs, fens, marshes and swamps have disappeared from maps and memory, having been drained, dug up and built on. Peatlands, a particular type of wetland, store at least twice the carbon of all the world's forests."

Source: The Conversation, 02/14/2023
February 23, 2023

Webinar: Journalist Briefing on the Climate-Development Nexus — Supporting Local Stories with Global Data

Drawdown Lift, a program of US NGO Project Drawdown, is hosting a briefing for reporters who cover the climate-development nexus in Africa and South Asia, including discussion of their report examining climate mitigation solutions that co-benefit humans and climate adaptation in low- and middle-income countries. 7am ET.



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