
"Environmental Groups Say 10,000-Hog Farm Pollutes Waterways"

"In a lawsuit filed in federal district court, the North Carolina Environmental Justice Network, the Waterkeeper Alliance and Neuse Riverkeeper Foundation accuse a Jones County hog farmer of illegally disposing of and discharging animal waste into creeks, rivers, ditches and lands surrounding the farm."

Source: Raleigh News & Observer, 08/06/2012
August 15, 2012 to August 18, 2012

Urban Agriculture Summit

Urban agriculture is becoming an essential element of food security, improving access to healthy, affordable food in a rapidly urbanizing world, generating much-needed skills development and local employment, and improving local environmental and community health. The first Urban Agriculture Summit in Toronto, Canada, presented by Green Roofs for Healthy Cities and FoodShare, will be action-oriented.



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