
State 'Ag-Gag' Laws Spreading, Protect Misdeeds from Scrutiny

While a Tennessee governor vetoed "ag-gag" legislation in that state, bills criminalizing the collection of information about abuses in livestock operations are still being pushed in other states — and the mechanism may be extended to stifle reporting on other environmental abuses.

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Supreme Court rules for Monsanto in Farmer's GM Soybean Seed Case

"Farmers must pay Monsanto each time they plant the company’s genetically modified soybeans, the Supreme Court ruled Monday, rejecting an Indiana farmer’s argument that his un­or­tho­dox techniques did not violate the company’s patent."

Source: Wash Post, 05/14/2013

"US Approves New Pesticides Linked To Mass Bee Deaths As EU Enacts Ban"

"In the wake of a massive US Department of Agriculture report highlighting the continuing large-scale death of honeybees, environmental groups are left wondering why the Environmental Protection Agency has decided to approve a 'highly toxic' new pesticide."

Source: RT, 05/13/2013


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