
Illegal Pot Invades Calif. Deserts, Brings Violence, Ecological Destruction

"Before his corpse was dumped in a shallow grave 50 miles north of Los Angeles, Mauricio Ismael Gonzalez-Ramirez was held prisoner at one of the hundreds of black-market pot farms that have exploded across California’s high desert in the last several years, authorities say."

Source: LA Times, 07/12/2021

SEJ Partners in Launch of Mississippi River Basin Ag & Water Desk

The Society of Environmental Journalists will partner in the launch of a new Mississippi River Basin Ag & Water Desk in partnership with Report for America and the University of Missouri School of Journalism, and supported with a $1.4 million, three-year grant from the Walton Family Foundation. Find out more about the initiative and how journalists can get involved.


"Once a Rich Desert River, the Gila Struggles to Keep Flowing"

"The Gila was once a vibrant desert river, providing a lifeline for the riparian habitat and wildlife that depended on it in the U.S. Southwest. But population growth, agricultural withdrawals, and, increasingly, climate change have badly diminished the river and threaten its future."

Source: YaleE360, 07/09/2021

Madagascar Headed Toward Climate Change-Linked Famine It Did Not Create

"In Madagascar, hunger has already left people eating raw red cactus fruits, wild leaves, even the very locusts that helped decimate crops. The southern part of the country is experiencing its worst drought in decades, with the World Food Program warning that 1.14 million people are food-insecure and 400,000 people are headed toward starvation."

Source: Washington Post, 07/08/2021

"‘A Scourge Of The Earth’: Grasshopper Swarms Overwhelm US West"

"They’re arriving in swarms so dense it can appear the earth is moving. They’re covering roads and fields, pelting ATV riders, and steadily devouring grains and grass to the bedevilment of farmers and ranchers. A massive population of grasshoppers is proliferating in the sweltering American west, where a deep drought has made for ideal conditions for grasshopper eggs to hatch and survive into adulthood."

Source: Guardian, 07/05/2021


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