
All forms of advocacy, esp. environmental groups.

Climate, Environment Sure To Reverberate in 2020 Elections

This election year, environmental issues like climate change may well break the pattern of past campaigns, where they seemed to recede as voting approached. Our latest entry in our “2020 Journalists’ Guide to Energy & Environment” explains how green politics may shape both national and state/local races in the months to come, and provides resources for reporters to track that rapidly changing landscape.

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Coal Train Protesters Target Big New England Coal Power Plant

"Climate activists halted a coal train bound for one of New England's last large coal-fired power plants by building a barricade on the tracks and sitting on it for about eight hours this week. The delay was temporary, but it was the fifth time activists had stopped a coal train in the region in less than a month."

Source: InsideClimate News, 01/07/2020

“Cat Tale: The Wild, Weird Battle To Save the Florida Panther”

Sometimes in the face of bad news, it can help to laugh a little. That’s what award-winning environmental writer Craig Pittman may help readers do with his new dispatch from the Sunshine State. Our latest BookShelf reviews Pittman’s upcoming witty, truth-telling volume,“Cat Tale: The Wild, Weird Battle To Save the Florida Panther.”

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Turning Skiers Into Climate Voters with the Advocacy Potential of NRA

"With rising global temperatures threatening to limit the skiing season and even warm some resorts out of existence, major ski companies are turning to their customers for help in the fight against climate change. Their goal: turn millions of snow-lovers into climate voters."

Source: InsideClimate News, 12/30/2019

Washington Rep. Matt Shea Helped Plan Malheur Takeover: State Report

"State Rep. Matt Shea planned and participated in domestic terrorism against the United States before and during the armed takeover at Malheur National Wildlife Refuge, an investigation commissioned by the Washington state House found."

Source: Seattle Times, 12/20/2019

Conflict Over EPA, Interior FOIA Policies May Come to Head in 2020

FOIA is under fire. And for journalists who rely on open records to do their work, the coming year may prove a crucial test of policies at key federal agencies on the beat. This special WatchDog TipSheet takes a deep dive on looming FOIA controversies at Interior and EPA, flagging potential flashpoints for 2020.

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