National (U.S.)

N. American Farmers Profit As Consumers Push Food Business To Go Green

"Beer made from rice grown with less water, rye planted in the off-season and the sale of carbon credits to tech firms are just a few of the changes North American farmers are making as the food industry strives to go green. The changes are enabling some farmers to earn extra money from industry giants like Cargill, Nutrien and Anheuser-Busch."

Source: Reuters, 12/03/2020

"A Hotter Planet Is Already Killing Americans, Health Experts Warn"

"Rising temperatures and environmental pollutants are already endangering the health and well-being of Americans, with fatal consequences for thousands of older men and women, a team of public health experts warned Wednesday. Their report, published in The Lancet, called on lawmakers to stem the rise of planet-warming gases in the next five years."

Source: NYTimes, 12/03/2020


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