National (U.S.)

Ohio Passes Bill That Could Bankrupt Churches Linked To Fossil Protests

"Ohio lawmakers faced fierce blowback last winter over a bill that would escalate criminal charges on fossil fuel protesters and threaten religious organizations or nonprofits that support such demonstrations with crushing fines."

Source: HuffPost, 12/23/2020

"Federal Lead-Pipe Rule Overhauled For First Time In Decades"

"For the first time in three decades, the federal government on Tuesday overhauled a rule aimed at reducing lead in drinking water across the country — a long-standing scourge made worse by the nation’s weathered and crumbling infrastructure." "But the government is allowing many of the nation’s 6 million lead water pipes to remain in service, and health advocates say risks remain".


Source: Washington Post, 12/23/2020

EPA Tightens Lead Dust Standards. Enviros Say They Don't Go Far Enough

"The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) on Monday tightened standards for how much lead can remain as dust on surfaces such as floors and window sills after lead removal activities, in a move that environmentalists said doesn't go far enough."

Source: The Hill, 12/22/2020

Opinion: "The Midnight Regulation to End Regulations"

"In a blunt deregulatory maneuver, the Trump Administration in its waning days is attempting to adopt a regulation that, if finalized, would have a cataclysmic effect on the public health and consumer protection regulatory landscape."

Source: Regulatory Review, 12/22/2020

La. Groups Challenge EPA Rule Allowing Roads Built With Gypsum Waste

"A group of environmental and union organizations on Friday challenged a new U.S. Environmental Protection Agency policy that would allow phosphogypsum wastes that contain small amounts of radioactivity to be used in federal, state and local road construction projects."

Source: New Orleans Times-Picayune, 12/22/2020

Slow Start for Plan by Eastern States to Cap Tailpipe Emissions

"An ambitious plan by Eastern states for a regional cap-and-trade program to curb greenhouse gas emissions from cars and trucks got off to a slow start Monday after just three states — Connecticut, Massachusetts and Rhode Island — plus Washington, D.C., formally agreed to adopt it."

Source: NYTimes, 12/22/2020

"CDC Questioned EPA Rule Declining To Impose Tougher Soot Regulations"

"The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) warned that the Environmental Protection Agency’s (EPA) rationale for freezing air quality regulations was “not scientifically defensible” before the agency finalized the rule earlier this month."

Source: The Hill, 12/22/2020


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