"Stirring Up Lead Dust In NYC Housing"
"“You can have the best law on the books. But if it's not enforced, it's meaningless.”"
"“You can have the best law on the books. But if it's not enforced, it's meaningless.”"
"The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) will evaluate the potential impact of new pesticide active ingredients on endangered species before registering them, reversing a decades-long policy."
"As U.S. President Joe Biden’s administration seeks to revive its ambitious social spending and climate plan in Congress, environmental groups and the farm industry are at odds over proposed subsidies aimed at offsetting agriculture’s substantial contribution to global warming."
"The idea of trapping a dirty coal plant’s carbon emissions at the source and storing it underground may sound like the solution to our climate problems. In practice, it’s proven all but completely unfeasible, but that hasn’t stopped the government from plunging money into it."
"The White House today [Tuesday] released a wide-ranging plan to strengthen the work of government scientists and protect them from political meddling."
"The Environmental Protection Agency is taking its first major action to address toxic wastewater from coal-burning power plants, ordering utilities to stop dumping waste into unlined storage ponds and speed up plans to close leaking or otherwise dangerous coal ash sites."
"A snowy owl apparently touring iconic buildings of the nation’s capital is captivating birdwatchers who manage to get a glimpse of the rare, resplendent visitor from the Arctic."
"The Biden administration announced on Monday that it will reverse a Trump-era policy that opened up vast swathes of Arctic Alaska land to new oil development."
"The U.S. Supreme Court on Monday turned away an industry group's bid to revive a decision made by the Environmental Protection Agency under former President Donald Trump to allow expanded sales of gasoline that has a higher ethanol blend, called E15."
"The senator from West Virginia is bought and paid for by Big Coal. With his help the dying industry is pulling one final heist — and the entire planet may pay the price".