National (U.S.)

Biden Admin to Set Rules of the Road for Charging Electric Vehicles

"Electric vehicle charging stations built with federal dollars should be positioned along Interstates every 50 miles, be able to recharge cars quickly and be located no more than a mile from a major highway, according to new rules proposed by the Biden administration on Thursday."

Source: NYTimes, 06/10/2022

House Passes Water Resources Development Act 384-37

"The U.S. House of Representatives on Wednesday overwhelmingly passed the Water Resources Development Act of 2022, which would further Everglades Restoration efforts, as well as improve management of the nation’s waterways, and fund flood control and coastal resiliency projects."

Source: WPTV, 06/09/2022

"Biden Proposes a New Marine Sanctuary Off the Northeastern U.S."

"Hudson Canyon, a vast gorge in the Atlantic Ocean that is home to endangered whales, sharks, sea turtles, would become a national marine sanctuary under a proposal made by the Biden administration on Wednesday."

Source: NYTimes, 06/09/2022


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