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Ocean and Climate Change Toolbox

Oceans and climate change intersect with many other issues, a crossover likely to be emphasized in the upcoming United Nations Ocean Conference and in future ocean-based climate discussions. This list of resources reflects some of that intersection in order to help environmental journalists better cover the field of “blue climate” solutions.

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Environmental Journalist Recounts His Historical Slave-Era Find

The historic discovery of the Clotilda — America’s “Last Slave Ship” — is only part of the story told in a new book by Alabama-based journalist Ben Raines, which tells the far larger tale about the ship’s survivors, the remarkable Jim Crow-era community they created and its ultimate erosion when faced by decades of environmental racism. A review by BookShelf Editor Tom Henry.

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EPA Leak on Problem Coal Ash Sites Could Yield Local Drinking Water Stories

Closure plans for more than 160 coal ash facilities crisscrossing the United States are under renewed scrutiny by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, according to a newly leaked list. The latest TipSheet credits that leak with offering local environmental reporters story leads on potential drinking water pollution in their communities. Get the details, plus story ideas and reporting resources.

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Covering Climate Solutions

As part of an initiative by the Society of Environmental Journalists on covering climate solutions, this special report offers a series of tipsheets and toolboxes focused on business-based solutions, nature-based solutions, ocean-based solutions and methane/energy-based solutions. Explore the special report and related webinars.

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