National (U.S.)

May 19, 2010

2010 National Wetlands Awards

Senator Benjamin Cardin (MD) will deliver the keynote address at the 2010 National Wetlands Award ceremony to be held on May 19 on Capitol Hill. In addition U.S. EPA Administrator Lisa Jackson will be on hand to present one of the six awards.

May 19, 2010

Resilient Wetlands = Prosperous Economies: How Restoring and Conserving Wetlands Support Economic Productivity

Preceding this year’s National Wetlands Awards Ceremony, the Environmental Law Institute will host a panel discussion that will include a look at new wetland restoration efforts, collecting data to show economic benefits, developments on greenhouse gas offsets, and how to adapt and protect wetlands from future loss.


"The Ever-Changing Landscape of E-Waste Recycling"

"Electronic waste is the fastest growing category of trash in the U.S. and yet unlike paper and plastic recycling, there are no government-issued labels to tell you where your recycled e-waste goes. Industry leaders and environmental groups are trying to change that with new e-waste recycling certifications. Here's what you need to know about the new labels."

Source: Popular Mechanics, 05/12/2010

"Gas Surge Shut Well a Couple of Weeks Before Gulf Oil Spill"

"Powerful puffs of natural gas, called kicks, are a normal occurrence in many deep-ocean drilling operations. But one intense kick of natural gas caused the Deepwater Horizon drilling rig to be shut down because of the fear of an explosion just weeks before a similar release succeeded in destroying and sinking the platform and sent millions of gallons of oil on a collision course with Louisiana and the rest of the northern coast of the Gulf of Mexico."

Source: New Orleans Times-Picayune, 05/12/2010


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