National (U.S.)

"Hurricane Sandy Pushes Gas Prices ... Down?"

"For a superstorm, hurricane Sandy has had surprisingly little effect on gasoline prices."

"Even in areas hit hard by the storm, gas prices were up only nominally on the first day: less than a penny in Baltimore, Philadelphia, New York, and Boston, according to, a group of local websites that track gasoline prices. By the second day, they had stabilized or were falling again.

If anything, hurricane Sandy may be helping to push prices down faster.

Source: Christian Science Monitor, 11/01/2012

"Petition Seeks Information on Toxic Fracking Emissions"

"Today, OMB Watch and 16 local, regional, and national organizations filed a petition under the Toxics Release Inventory (TRI), calling on the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) to require the oil and gas industry – including companies engaged in fracking – to report their toxic emissions. Such reporting would provide EPA with more information on the identity, use, and quantity of chemicals used by the oil and gas industry and would help the agency evaluate their health and environmental risks."

Source: OMB Watch, 10/31/2012


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