National (U.S.)

"House Rejects Farm Bill as Food Stamp Cuts Prove Divisive"

"The surprise defeat of the farm bill in the House on Thursday underscored the ideological divide between the more conservative, antispending Republican lawmakers and their leadership, who failed to garner sufficient votes from their caucus as well as from Democrats."

Source: NY Times, 06/21/2013
June 26, 2013

Covering Population and the Environment

As the planet grows more crowded, the connections between environment, health and human rights grow more complex every day. Ahead of World Population Day (July 11), a diverse group of speakers will illustrate how those connections affect the real world – and how those connections can provide a broader context for your own coverage in this one-hour webinar. Free registration required.


"And The Winner Of The World Food Prize Is ... The Man From Monsanto"

"Ever heard of the World Food Prize? It's sometimes called the "Nobel Prize for food and agriculture," but it has struggled to get people's attention. Prize winners tend to be agricultural insiders, and many are scientists. Last year's laureate, for instance, was Daniel Hillel, a pioneer of water-saving 'micro-irrigation.'"

Source: NPR, 06/20/2013


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