National (U.S.)

"Environmental Concerns Remain Over Coal-Ash Ponds"

"DANVILLE, Ill. -- It's been more than two years since Dynegy shut down its coal-fired Vermilion Power Station, but environmental concerns still remain at the idled facility's coal-ash waste ponds that were built next to the Middle Fork River, just upstream of Kickapoo State Park and other protected lands."

Source: Champaign-Urbana News-Gazette, 08/20/2013

"Copper May Play Key Role in Alzheimer's Disease"

"New research finds that copper in amounts readily found in our drinking water, the foods we eat and the vitamin supplements we take likely plays a key role in initiating and fueling the abnormal protein build-up and brain inflammation that are hallmarks of Alzheimer's disease."

"While the mineral is important to healthy nerve conduction, hormone secretion and the growth of bones and connective tissue, a team of researchers from the University of Rochester Medical Center suggested that too much of it may be a bad thing, and they set about to explore copper's dark side.

Source: LA Times, 08/20/2013

"EPA Debuts Bee-Protective Pesticide Labels, Enviros Demand More"

"WASHINGTON, DC -- To protect bees and other pollinators, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency has developed new pesticide labels that prohibit use of some neonicotinoid pesticide products where bees are present. Environmentalists want the agency to take these pesticides off the market."

Source: ENS, 08/19/2013

Plants Shipped Uninspected Meat After USDA Computer Failure

"WASHINGTON — A troubled new computer system used by inspectors at the nation’s 6,500 meatpacking and processing plants shut down for two days this month, putting at risk millions of pounds of beef, poultry, pork and lamb that had left the plants before workers could collect samples to check for E. coli bacteria and other contaminants."

Source: NY Times, 08/19/2013

Berkeley Prof Who Questioned Atrazine's Safety Loses Lab Financing

"The University of California at Berkeley cut laboratory financing this week for a professor who has complained for years about corporate-led retaliation for his association of health risks with a widely used herbicide."  The herbicide is atrazine.

Source: Chronicle of Higher Education, 08/16/2013


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