National (U.S.)

"Monsanto Critics Denied U.S. Supreme Court Hearing on Seed Patents"

"The U.S. Supreme Court upheld Monsanto Co's biotech seed patents on Monday, dealing a blow to a group of organic farmers and other activists trying to stop the biotech company from suing farmers if their fields contain a few plants containing the company's genetically modified traits."

Source: Reuters, 01/14/2014

"Big Biotech Does As Expected -- Sues Kauai Over GMO Law"

"As was expected, Big Biotech’s legal juggernaut has rolled into action in Hawai’i. On Friday afternoon, three big agrochemical companies — Pioneer-DuPont, Syngenta, and Agrigenetics Inc (a subsidiary of Dow Chemical) — filed a suit in a federal court in Honolulu seeking to block Kauai County’s new GMO regulatory law."

Source: Earth Island Journal, 01/14/2014


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