National (U.S.)

"Humpbacks Are Returning to NYC Waters, and There's a Lot of Them"

"Whale watchers have spotted a stunning number of humpback whales in New York waters recently, especially around the Rockaway peninsula, part of New York's borough of Queens. More than a hundred of the massive and majestic beasts have been sighted so far this year, marking what may be the largest resurgence of whales the region has ever seen."

Source: Nature World News, 12/15/2014

From Classroom to Bookshelf: Publishing a DIY Guide to Local Environmental Issues

In this excerpt from the latest issue of SEJournal (Fall), Webster University journalism professor Don Corrigan shares how he used his classroom as a focal point for generating material with student inquiry and invitations to local experts, resulting in publication of a guide to St. Louis' environmental issues — and how the book can serve as a template for other professors to write a book for other states or regions.

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