National (U.S.)

"3 More Arrests in Oregon as Protest Leader Says ‘Go Home’"

"The armed occupation of a wildlife refuge in eastern Oregon, which flashed into violent confrontation with law enforcement on Tuesday when eight members of the group were arrested and one was killed, appeared to be unraveling on Wednesday night when the jailed leader of the siege advised his followers to go home."

Source: NY Times, 01/28/2016

"Senate Begins Debate on Comprehensive Bipartisan Energy Bill"

"The Senate on Wednesday started debating its first comprehensive energy legislation since the George W. Bush administration, a bipartisan measure meant to update the nation’s power grid and oil and gas transportation systems to address major changes in the ways that power is now produced in the United States."

Source: NY Times, 01/28/2016

"When A Chicken Farm Moves Next Door, Odor May Not Be The Only Problem"

"North Carolina is one of the country's largest poultry producers — and getting bigger. Large-scale chicken farms are spreading across the state. Government regulations have allowed these farms to get much closer to where people live. That's not just a nuisance. Neighbors say it's also a potential health hazard."

Source: NPR, 01/27/2016

Better Power Lines Could Help U.S. Supercharge Renewable Energy: Study

"Analysts have long argued that nations aiming to use wind and solar power to curb emissions from fossil fuel burning would first have to invest heavily in new technologies to store electricity produced by these intermittent sources—after all, the sun isn’t always shining and the wind isn’t always blowing. But a study out today suggests that the United States could, at least in theory, use new high-voltage power lines to move renewable power across the nation, and essentially eliminate the need to add new storage capacity."

Source: Science, 01/27/2016


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