National (U.S.)

"Behind the Push to Re-brand LNG as 'Green'"

"Earlier this month, the Republican Governors Public Policy Committee sent a letter to President Biden, blaming rising gas prices on his administration’s energy policies and calling on him to back an industry wishlist that includes repealing air pollution standards, increasing oil and gas leasing, and lifting the temporary pause on permits for new LNG export terminals."

Source: Drilled, 06/24/2024

Florida Reefs Are In Trouble. Is The Answer Coral From The Caribbean?

"Off the northern coast of Honduras, thick stands of endangered elkhorn coral have mysteriously defied warming oceans fueled by climate change to blanket the reef with healthy, cocoa-brown colonies branching toward the water’s surface like antlers."

Source: NPR, 06/24/2024

Hawaii Settles Lawsuit From Youths Over Climate Change. Here’s What To Know.

"About two years after 13 children and teens sued Hawaii over the threat posed by climate change, both sides reached a settlement that includes an ambitious requirement to decarbonize the state’s transportation system over the next 21 years."

Source: AP, 06/24/2024

"Bayer Lobbies Congress To Help Fight Lawsuits Tying Roundup To Cancer"

"The biotech giant Bayer has lobbied Congress over the past year to advance legislation that could shield the company from billions of dollars in lawsuits, part of a national campaign to defeat claims that its weedkiller Roundup causes cancer in people who use it frequently."

Source: Washington Post, 06/24/2024

What Makes Communities More Survivable in Extreme Heat Events?

When heat waves hit your area, as they did for much of the United States in June, local responses can (and should) go well beyond individual behaviors to address broader area actions — from cool pavements to urban trees. For environmental journalists, that means community-level heat response is an important climate story angle. TipSheet explains, then offers a dozen story ideas, along with reporting resources.

SEJ Publication Types: 
July 3, 2024

DEADLINE: IJNR Workshop on Water Infrastructure

The Institute for Journalism & Natural Resources invites journalists to apply by Jul 3 for this workshop, August 11-14, 2024, exploring how we move, treat and price our most vital resource in Chicagoland, northwestern Indiana and southwestern Michigan. IJNR covers all program expenses.



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