Northeast (CT MA ME NH NJ NY RI VT)

"Trump Adviser Involved In Vineyard Wind Opposition"

"The two Nantucket women said they were suing the federal government because they wanted to save the North Atlantic right whale from offshore wind. Then a former member of President Trump’s EPA transition team stepped to the microphone to commend them for their bravery."

Source: E&E News, 08/27/2021

A Look Back at the Birth of the Animal Rights Movement

The origins of the struggle to protect animal welfare began with preventing the brutal mistreatment of carriage horses. And a new volume explores how one man did much to extend those protections to many species with the founding of the ASPCA. Our BookShelf has a review of “A Traitor to His Species: Henry Bergh and the Birth of the Animal Rights Movement.”

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Climate Efforts in Massachusetts Clash With Subsidies For Fossil Fuels

"Massachusetts has ambitious climate goals, and not a lot of time to achieve them, which has some clean energy and climate experts questioning why a state program continues to promote fossil fuels with cash incentives for oil and gas home heating systems."

Source: Boston Globe, 07/12/2021


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