Alaska and Hawaii

AK Spill Response Tech Outdated and Underfunded, Lawmakers Warned

"A Valdez-based citizen watchdog group told legislators Tuesday that the state's arsenal of oil-response equipment lags behind modern technology and the state division that enforces the rules for preventing and cleaning up spills has an 'ever-worsening funding shortage.'"

Source: Anchorage Daily News, 09/22/2010

"Alaska Fishermen Circle Their Boats To Fight Mine"

"Dillingham, Alaska -- It is an unfortunate coincidence of geography that this lush region of wild rivers, grassy tundra and windy sea is home to two competing treasures of almost unimaginable value: the world's largest sockeye salmon run, supporting a fishery worth $440 million a year; and in the hills behind it, a massive deposit of copper, molybdemum and gold worth at least $300 billion."

Source: LA Times, 08/04/2010


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