
"Fungal Disease Spreads Through Pacific Northwest"

"A rare and dangerous fungal infection named Cryptococcus gattii has been quietly spreading from British Columbia southward to the U.S. Pacific Northwest. And it's changing as it goes. ... The most striking thing about this fungus is that it's popping up and establishing itself far afield from its usual range -- possibly because of climate change."

Source: Vermont Public Radio, 04/23/2010

"Grey Whale Gorged on Debris Before It Died in West Seattle"

"Worried whale researchers in Washington state are wondering where a grey whale had been feeding before it died in West Seattle last week. The 11-metre whale, which came ashore alive, swallowed an unusual amount of garbage, including sweatpants, a towel, a golf ball, rubber gloves, drink containers and numerous plastic bags."

Source: Victoria Times Colonist, 04/22/2010
May 3, 2010 to May 7, 2010

Global Oceans Conference 2010

Focus will be on three main themes: 1) Ensuring Survival: Oceans, Climate and Security; 2) Preserving Life: Marine Biodiversity; and 3) Improving Governance at National and Regional Levels and in Areas Beyond National Jurisdiction.

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