
December 2, 2010

Green Real Estate Conference

The event will include discussion and strategic update on the economics, benefits, and value of green buildings, along with some of the best practices that can be used to create these types of properties.

Topics on the Beat: 

"Clinton Facing Heat on Oil Sands Pipeline"

"Battle lines have been hardening over the proposed Keystone XL pipeline over the last couple of weeks. The pipeline, which will stretch from Alberta in Canada to refineries on the Gulf Coast, would nearly double the United States' capacity to import oil made from Canadian oil sands. Canadian oil sands are a plentiful and secure source of oil, but the extraction process is high in carbon dioxide emissions and takes a toll on pristine Canadian forest ecosystems."

Source: Green (NYT), 11/02/2010
November 3, 2010 to November 4, 2010

Using PRTR Data to Advance Key North American Priorities

"Healthy Communities and Ecosystems and Greening the Economy," a forum for sharing knowledge and ideas relating to PRTRs (pollutant release and transfers) and access to public information, will be webcast live on the NAFTA Commission for Environmental Cooperation website.


Topics on the Beat: 


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