
April 14, 2011

Environment 101 for Freelancers

SEJ and the Professional Writers’ Association of Canada present a panel at the University of Toronto, moderated by freelance journalist Saul Chernos. Experienced journalists from both the reporting and the editing sides of the business will discuss strategies the country’s top environmentally-minded writers are using to tell and sell their stories.

April 15, 2011

Green Business Forum at the Green Living Show

Join us as leading businesses and NGOs discuss the environmental impacts of Canada’s resource-based economy at The Green Living Show’s Business Forum in Toronto, Ontario. Gain a better understanding of the key economic and environmental issues from key players who outline their challenges and accomplishments as they seek common ground on goals that often compete — profit and the planet.

March 30, 2011

Nuclear in the Spotlight

A chance to express hope for Japan and a green future…Please join us at this important event. Proceeds to go to Japan relief efforts as well as to OCAA. With performances by Mike Ford, Meghan Morrison, Richard Underhill, Michael Louis Johnson, the Raging Grannies, and more. Special guest speaker Kevin Kamps from Beyond Nuclear will address the current situation in Japan. Wed. March 30, 7:30 p.m. Annex Live, 296 Brunswick (at Bloor), Toronto.



"Toronto's Ticking Landfills"

"They’re our dirty little forgotten secret: the city’s 161 closed garbage dumps. Forty one of them are still active, spewing gases and discharging a toxic slurry into sewers and waterways. City staff say we shouldn’t be worried, even while reserve funds to maintain the sites have been emptied in Rob Ford’s budget juggling. Truth is, our track record isn’t very good when it comes to putting these oozing mounds to bed."

Source: Now Toronto, 03/18/2011
April 15, 2011

DEADLINE: Science Communications 2011

This unique, intensive program, August 13-28, 2011, offers professionals in both science and communications an opportunity to learn print, visual, interactive media, and other communication formats from some of the world's leading science communicators in beautiful Banff, Alberta. Apply by April 15th.

Topics on the Beat: 
June 8, 2011

DEADLINE: IJNR Puget Sound Institute — Western Washington State

The Institutes for Journalism & Natural Resources will select 14 journalists for this expenses-paid learning expedition, July 8-16, 2011. Explore the Puget Sound estuary and its surrounding shores and uplands, including Hood Canal, the Duwamish Waterway and the Port of Tacoma, as well as fisheries, wetlands and farms along the Skagit River delta. Deadline extgended to June 8.



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