
"Biden Aims To Remove All Lead Pipes. Will EPA Follow Suit?"

"President Biden has made a push to remove the nation’s lead pipelines a cornerstone of his infrastructure agenda, but a requirement to make that happen is noticeably MIA in EPA’s current rule. Advocates hope that changes."

Source: E&E News, 08/25/2021

"DOE Urged to Weigh Environmental Inequity From U.S. Ethane Boom"

"Efforts to expand production and exports of ethane—a natural gas byproduct used to make plastics—were criticized by groups that told the Department of Energy Tuesday that any job gains wouldn’t benefit regions bearing the brunt of environmental damage."

Source: Bloomberg Environment, 08/25/2021

"EPA Rebuffed Warnings Its Auto Emissions Plan Was Too Weak"

"White House and other administration officials told the Environmental Protection Agency that its industry-backed plan for tightening auto emissions limits was too lax, but the agency rebuffed those warnings and released the proposal with provisions that could lessen its bite."

Source: Bloomberg, 08/25/2021

"House Passes $3.5 Trillion Budget Plan for Vast Expansion of Safety Net"

"A divided House on Tuesday approved a $3.5 trillion budget blueprint that would pave the way for a vast expansion of social safety net and climate programs, as Democrats overcame sharp internal rifts to advance a critical piece of President Biden’s ambitious domestic agenda."

Source: NYTimes, 08/25/2021

"Megadrought to Pit Fish Lives Against Human Needs in U.S. West"

"Water cuts aimed at farmers amid the West’s megadrought have set the stage for bitter legal and political fights over one of the most overlooked water uses—the right of water to remain in streams to sustain fish and endangered species, lawyers say."

Source: Bloomberg Environment, 08/24/2021


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