"BP announced on Wednesday the discovery of what it characterized as a giant oil field several miles under the Gulf of Mexico, but it may take years to assess how much crude can actually be recovered."
"Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger sent a letter to Secretary of the Interior Ken Salazar and Secretary of Commerce Gary Locke asking them to reverse the federal government’s restrictions on water use intended to protect fish in the Sacramento-San Joaquin River Delta."
"Areva, a French nuclear construction company, said this week that its project to build the world's most powerful reactor remained mired in delays and was over-budget by 2.3 billion euros, or about $3.3 billion."
"Environmental groups are speaking out against the man President Barack Obama has chosen to run the Office of Surface Mining, which has jurisdiction over mountaintop removal coal mining."
A proposed rule for control of fluid-contaminated runoff at primary commercial airports would reduce the substantial threats to drinking water, surface water, air quality, wildlife, plants, and soils at airports and the surrounding areas.
This new resource can provide some good initial clues for important stories that in years past had to be deferred at least two more months, and sometimes far longer.
Current economic doldrums may impair the general market appeal of plug-in hybrid electric vehicles for a while, but hybrid diesel schoolbuses are one aspect pulling into high gear.