
"CDC Misled District Residents About Lead Levels in Water, House Probe Finds"

"The nation's premier public health agency knowingly used flawed data to claim that high lead levels in the District [of Columbia]'s drinking water did not pose a health risk to the public, a congressional investigation has found. And, investigators determined, the agency has not publicized more thorough internal research showing that the problem harmed children across the city and continues to endanger thousands of D.C. residents."

Source: Wash Post, 05/20/2010
August 2, 2010 to August 7, 2010

TOL Photojournalism Course

Spend five days learning the ropes of photojournalism from Transitions Online trainers. In addition to learning new skills and techniques, you'll shoot and edit your own photo essay from Prague.

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July 18, 2010 to July 23, 2010

TOL Investigative Journalism Course

More than just theory, Transitions Online's Investigative Journalism course offers practical training. Learn to put together a piece of investigative journalism, use sources and build a publishable case.

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