
TVA Public Relations Staff Edited Engineer's Report on Failed Coal-Ash Dam

Dam inspections began before the Dec. 2008 spill incident of 5.4 million cubic yards of coal-ash slurry in Tennessee. Afterward, the initial draft engineer's report of the pre-spill inspection noted several eroded areas needed to be fixed "immediately;" the word was subsequently struck from the report.

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Topics on the Beat: 
November 16, 2011

Tackling Tomorrow's Energy Challenges Today: A Southeastern Symposium at Duke University

The Southeastern United States is faced with several energy transitions in the coming years. This day-long symposium in Durham, NC will discuss these issues, identify crucial information gaps, and plot future directions for research and outreach.

November 10, 2011 to November 12, 2011

International Conference on Payments for Ecosystem Services and Their Institutional Dimensions in Berlin, Germany

The international conference focuses on the institutional frameworks and governance structures of Payments for Ecosystem Services (PES) schemes in both developing and industrialized countries.

November 3, 2011 to November 4, 2011

Conference on the Assessment of Future Energy Systems (CAFES) in Calgary

Join global experts in energy systems thinking and top scientists, industry leaders and policy makers to identify the opportunities, challenges and integrated solutions for Canada and North America of the next energy system transformation. Special registration and accommodation rates available until October 7th.


White House, Under Attack for Secrecy, Issues Transparency Report

Under fire from all sides for excessive secrecy, the Obama administration has just issued a status report touting its "open government" achievements. One assessment of the report came from the Federation of American Scientists' long-time secrecy watchdog, Steven Aftergood.

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Topics on the Beat: 

Indiana GOPer Reintroduces Federal Shield Law

Rep. Mike Pence (R-IN) has reintroduced a bill that would establish a limited federal protection for journalists when prosecutor and courts seek to compel them to disclose their confidential sources. A similar measure died on the Senate floor at the end of the last Congress.

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Topics on the Beat: 

Appeals Court Orders Release of Timber-Trade Records

Details and documents on the 2006 US-Canada Softwood Lumber Agreement will be released after a federal appeals court ruled Sept. 16, 2011, against claims by the Office of the US Trade Representative that the documents, sought by the Center for Biological Diversity and Conservation Northwest, were exempt from the Freedom of Information Act.

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Topics on the Beat: 

National Press Club To Host Panel on Obama Science Openness Oct. 3

The event, co-sponsored by the Society of Environmental Journalists and other groups, is free and open to the public (RSVP). Panelists include: Curtis Brainard, Columbia Journalism Review science editor; Joseph A. Davis, (SEJ) WatchDog editor; Felice Freyer, Association of Health Care Journalists; Darren Samuelsohn, Politico’s senior energy/environment reporter; and Clothilde Le Coz, Reporters Without Borders energy/environment reporter.



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