
"Flame Retardant Industry Spent $23M on Lobbying, Campaign Donations"

"A 5-month investigation by Environmental Health News reveals that the chemical industry spent at least $23.2 million over the past five years to lobby California officials and donate to campaigns in an effort to defeat bills that would have regulated flame retardants. The four top recipients, three Democrats and one Republican, never voted in favor of any of the five bills. During the years of lobbying, the flame retardants have been building up in people’s bodies, including breast milk, around the world."

Source: EHN, 11/16/2011

"Admiral To Oversee U.S. Offshore Drilling Safety"

"A Coast Guard admiral who led the government's response to the Deepwater Horizon disaster is taking over as the nation's chief overseer of offshore drilling safety, the Obama administration said Monday. Rear Adm. James Watson begins his post as director of the Interior Department's Bureau of Safety and Environmental Enforcement on Dec. 1."

Source: Houston Chronicle, 11/15/2011

"A Gold Rush of Subsidies in Clean Energy Search"

The bankruptcy of the solar firm Solyndra has focused a lot of attention -- some of it politicized -- on clean-energy subsidies. While those subsidies have sparked something of a "gold rush" among clean-energy entrepreneurs, some clean-energy startups face serious economic challenges that may justify them.

Source: NY Times, 11/15/2011

Dangerous Lead Levels Found in Nearly 2/3 of New Orleans Homes: Tulane

"A new study says nearly two-thirds of New Orleans homes and yards have “dangerous” levels of lead, according to federal standards, a finding the authors believe may be linked to the extensive renovation and demolition of homes after Hurricane Katrina."

Source: New Orleans Times-Picayune, 11/15/2011


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