"Flare Still Burning on North Sea Gas Leak Platform"
"Total says wind is blowing gas away from flare on Elgin platform – but there is a high risk of explosion if two come into contact."
"Total says wind is blowing gas away from flare on Elgin platform – but there is a high risk of explosion if two come into contact."
We've updated our "Topics on the Beat" pages with new links and an improved design. The resource aims to help reporters with quick introductions to key coverage areas, offering top SEJournal stories and the latest EJToday headlines. Visit our full set of Topics on the Beat on climate, disasters and hurricanes, water & oceans, wildfire, agriculture and the food system, plus a new environmental justice page.
Here's a list of top food stories from SEJournal.
"OTTAWA — The federal government is set to declare a bacteria killer found in many toothpastes, mouthwashes and anti-bacterial soaps as toxic to the environment, a move which could see the use of the chemical curtailed sharply, Postmedia News has learned."
"On Monday, the film director and explorer James Cameron became the first human to reach the world’s deepest abyss on his own, the Challenger Deep, which lies 62 miles southwest of Guam in the Pacific Ocean. The dive had been attempted only once before, in 1960, when Don Walsh, a retired United States Navy captain, and Jacques Piccard, a Swiss engineer, reached the spot in the Navy submersible Trieste."
"The oil industry launched a full-court press Monday in opposition to Democrat-backed legislation that would repeal billions in tax breaks for the largest oil companies."
"LONDON -- A gas cloud has encircled Total's Elgin Franklin platform in the North Sea after failed attempts to shut a problematic production well caused a leak, an RMT union official said, based on eyewitness accounts from workers on nearby rigs."
"Environmentalists have mounted a legal challenge against Wyoming regulators they say are improperly approving oil and gas companies’ 'overly broad,' boilerplate requests to shield information about the chemicals they use in drilling operations."
"OKLAHOMA CITY -- As President Barack Obama pushes to fast-track an oil pipeline from Oklahoma south to the Gulf Coast, an American Indian tribe that calls the oil hub home worries the route might disrupt sacred sites holding the unmarked graves of their ancestors."
"The world is close to reaching tipping points that will make it irreversibly hotter, making this decade critical in efforts to contain global warming, scientists warned on Monday."