
Congress: "Is There Still Momentum For A Public Lands Package?"

"Aside from brief sessions to pass major funding relief packages, the House and Senate have not met in more than a month. ... Despite all of this, advocates for fully funding the Land and Water Conservation Fund as well as tackling the massive parks maintenance backlog are confident they can still get the job done in 2020."

Source: E&E Daily, 04/28/2020

Using Late Fees To Get Media Clients To Pay on Time

Numerous freelance journalists are suffering financially alongside other businesses damaged by the economic fallout of the coronavirus crisis. But in an especially timely tale, one freelancer explains how she took matters into her own hands when media clients were overdue on payments. Freelance Files has the story. 

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Ignoring COVID-19 Link, EPA Leaves Lax Soot Standard in Place

As researchers are finding that soot and other forms of fine particulates in the air may actually make people more vulnerable to the coronavirus, the EPA decided earlier this month against tightening related standards under the Clean Air Act. The latest TipSheet explains why the decision matters, provides deeper context and offers story ideas and resources.

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