
PA Emergency Chief Says He Couldn’t Evacuate Everyone In Pipeline Leak

"Delaware County’s emergency operations director said Tuesday that authorities would not be able to quickly evacuate everyone within half a mile of a major leak from any of the Mariner East pipelines, but acknowledged that their builder, Sunoco, has attempted to educate the public about how to detect any leak and how to react to it."

Source: NPR, 09/30/2020

"EPA Chief Trumpeting ‘Misleading’ Superfund Metrics, Critics Say"

"The EPA is touting the number of contaminated Superfund sites removed from its priority list—even as newly proposed sites and sites awaiting funding continue to pile up."

Source: Bloomberg Environment, 09/30/2020

"Trump Public Lands Agenda Threatened By New Court Ruling - Lawyers"

"A federal court ruling that the U.S. Bureau of Land Management had an illegitimate director for more than a year has cast doubt over a slew of the agency’s recently completed efforts to boost oil and gas development on federal lands, according to lawyers and environmental groups."

Source: Reuters, 09/30/2020

Lockheed Orlando Facility Accused Of Mishandling Toxic Chemicals In Suit

"Lockheed Martin Corp. facility in Orlando is accused of mishandling hazardous toxins, releasing contaminates into soil and groundwater, according to a personal and class-action lawsuit filed by the personal injury law firm Morgan and Morgan."

Source: ClickOrlando, 09/29/2020


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